Virtual Social Program
Grab some wine, chocolate, or cheese, and prepare to settle down in your own comfy chair with friends from AAP to discuss books, movies, and interests…
With vaccine being deployed, there may be an end in sight for Covid-related social distancing, but it will be months before AAPers can gather and share each other’s company in person. Our Virtual Education Program has been a big success, but we’ve learned that in addition to covering scholarly and academic topics, there’s a big desire to just connect with friends that we've missed at our usual Annual Meeting. We’re rolling out a series of Virtual Social Events, intended to gather the AAP community and celebrate our non-academic shared interests. Food tastings, interest groups, and humanities discussions will all be on the agenda. Any member of AAP or participant in our Virtual Education Program can join in for these events… you can drop in on one or make it to all of them (though there are only 50 spaces per event, so reserve your spot early). Come share your love (or discover a new love) for the finer things in life (other than academic psychiatry) with the most interactive educators you’ll ever meet.
~ Lewis P. Krain, MD
Virtual Education Program Chair