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AAP 2024 horizontal

Education, and especially education in psychiatry, is meaningless without connection, from each dyad of learner and teacher, to the understanding and application of what is learned in the contexts of past and current society, to the appreciation that our lineage of human teaching and learning goes back for hundreds of millennia before the here and now.

And in this here and now, locally and globally, these are times that often seem to be marked by increased division and polarization, and even by loneliness. In our world of academic psychiatry, this means that it has become that much more critically important to build and nurture our connectivity with and for one another in our roles as medical educators energizing our learners, guiding our fellow faculty and colleagues, and ultimately supporting the health of our patient communities.

IN education: we support one another to sustainably thrive together as educators and lifelong learners.

FOR education: we empower our students and trainees and colleagues to develop and grow, that those who they serve may benefit in these times when the need to support mental health is greater than ever.

THROUGH education: we embrace the charge to innovate in pursuit of necessary progress, to build creative bridges across potential obstacles, and to collaborate in improving what we can for those who will come after.

In this extraordinary city and in this historic year, the 2024 AAP Annual Meeting should prove a marvelous setting for this meaningful work. Let’s go it together, onward and upward!

~ Iljie Fitzgerald, MD  2023-2024 AAP President

Meeting Highlights & Information

General Information

General Information

Our Objective

AAP’s Annual Meeting is designed for psychiatrists who are interested in learning about academic development, teaching psychiatry, and research on psychiatry education. The meeting is filled with interactive workshops designed to teach a wide array of academic topics. “How To” sessions teach academic and leadership development, use of technology in teaching, resident and faculty teacher development, and a host of other topics in resident and medical student education. The meeting is a wonderful way to interact with academic psychiatrists and psychiatry leaders in a casual and inviting setting filled with accessible workshops, informal sharing, and academic mentoring. It is an ideal venue for residents and fellows to develop an interest in education, junior faculty to launch an education-based career, and senior faculty to expand their skills and meet colleagues from across the country.

Theme: "GOING IT TOGETHER: Building and Sustaining Community In/For/Through Education"

~ Iljie Fitzgerald, MD, MS  2023-24 AAP President


Registration Information
Hotel Information
Call for Abstracts

Annual Meeting Dates & Locations

Future Meetings

2024: September 11-14, The Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC

2025: September 10-13, The Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, WI

2026: September 16-19, The Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT


Lisa Hedrick, Association for Academic Psychiatry